Month: July 2019

Know More About Health and Lifestyle

Are you one of those people trying to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle? Losing weight and a healthy lifestyle are one of those things that are easier said than done. The road to weight loss can be difficult, but remember you are not alone – millions all around the world are struggling. When it comes to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, you need to understand the basics. Among these are: yourself. The key to a successful weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is YOU. Are you willing to make the necessary changes to your current lifestyle and to stick to them? First, set goals that are realistic and achievable…. always keeping in mind the benefits of being a leaner and healthier you. Losing weight should not be considered only when you want to fit into that beautiful dress or for a family get-together…when you want to look your best – NO, it should become a permanent lifestyle change and requires Discipline and Commitment.

the people around you. You definitely need support – whether they be family, friends, workmates, neighbours, etc. who can encourage you to remain positive about losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. Negativity breeds negativity so stay away from negative people. diet. Pay attention to what, when, how and why you eat. Remember, not everyone eats to satisfy hunger otherwise we wouldn’t be discussing “how to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle”. Some turn to food for comfort, to relieve stress, to socialise or just because it’s there. Are you one of these? Find other ways….talk to a friend, sing-along to your favourite music, or turn to healthy and nourishing foods. Eating healthy does not necessarily mean you eat less, but it means that you watch your calories.

Choose your foods wisely and include high fibre foods like fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains, with your focus on fruits and vegetables. These are ‘eat as much as you want foods’ meaning they are difficult to overeat as they contain high water and fibre content. Remember the relationship between the calories you eat and your weight – if you eat more calories than you can burn, you will definitely gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you can burn, you will lose weight. Also drink lots of water to flush out your system.

Lastly, but definitely not the least….to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle depends on exercise. Exercise is important in maintaining your overall health and fitness levels for your body and your mind. Research shows that you must be physically active every day for about 30 minutes…..exercise is beneficial for everyone. Losing weight, even small amounts, and living a healthy lifestyle not only makes you look and feel good, but it also reduces health-related problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems,….just to name a few.

Unknown Facts About Health and Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not impossible but surely a challenge especially for the working individuals. Unhealthy eating habits, no physical exercise and stressful life are the roadblocks for a healthy life. Considering this, many corporate companies have taken wellness program initiatives for their employees to encourage them to lead a healthy life. Here are some activities which can be arrange in the corporate sector and will be loved by the employees.

1.Energy-filled group workouts

Every employee can spare 20-30 min from work for exercise where they can attend a live workout, yoga session, Zumba workout, or aerobics. You can encourage your employees to join a gym by giving them discount coupons. Challenge your employees for different fitness activities and programs. A healthy competition always brings great results.

2.Let’s play

All of us love sports; they are superb stress-busters and bring out the kid in you. You can arrange sports weekend occasionally, it will encourage employees to participate in physical exercise. People love sports like badminton, table tennis, cricket, volleyball, basketball. It is not only exercise but also a great opportunity for team building through informal, non-work related interaction.

  1. Stress management workshop

Stress management workshops are the need of hour, many of us want to share the anxieties, fears and stress points with someone, but don’t want to burden our dear ones. A professional counselor can be the ideal person who will not only be a good listener but also offer measures to handle the stress. These workshops have fun activities, which help to reduce stress.

4.Wellness challenges

Challenges keep the teams energetic and positive, they motivate to work better and be confident. Wellness challenges are fun to participate without much restriction, furthermore, they help to augment the overall performance and morale. Simple yet essential challenges like 8-glasses of water a day challenge or 7-hours sleep in night can imbibe healthy habits.

5.Arrange corporate health checkup

This could be important part of your group fitness regime. Corporate health checkup will give employees the indication about their health so that they can work on that. Based on the findings, experts can suggest further lifestyle changes, medical investigations or treatments.

6.Diet and Nutrition Counseling

Hectic work and life affect the food habits instantly, which lead to skipping meals, having junk meals and so on. Diet and nutrition counselling can advise each employee on personally considering the individual needs and test results. This will help to stay fit and healthy and ensure the person gets required nutrients regularly.


Meditation should the part of every corporate wellness program. It takes care of mental peace and proves to be useful in stress management. Taking 5-min break from work is also helpful.

8.Health and wellness talks

You can arrange expert talks for your employees where the health and wellness veterans can guide related to general health issues. There can be informative talks, which will give important tips to the employees.

For a corporate company, the employees’ health should be the top priority. A healthy employee can deliver the best performance, which is beneficial for both company and employees.

Ultimate Guide To Health and lifestyle

Yoga way of life is living as a new dimension to the health and the best out of you through daily practices through the exploration of your hidden talent that is the result of these changes that has occurred with the flow of positivity. Let us see a few of the aspect of yoga as lifestyle changes that are part of health and fitness

  1. Give new direction to life

Everyone who has practised yoga has the knowledge that yoga is much more than those stretching poses which are done in the four boundaries of the yoga studios; it is the connection that we have to feel or experience that no other form of any physical exercise can give. A yoga teacher training course gives you the proper dealing ability and perception so that you can understand the philosophy behind the practice and enjoy the session in a way that gain is in both forms.

  1. Love your body

The human body is machinery which goes wear and tears with time and requires maintenance, but few people do not understand the call of nature and keep on abusing their body which leads to unstable health both physical and mental. Health and fitness enforce one to respect your body as you should do, as you respect and love your god, ultimately your body is a gift and until you do not love and care for their gift you cannot be rewarded in the journey of life.

  1. Feel the balance of life

Yoga lifestyle is a learning that teaches you the lesson of life. It will prepare you the way your body and vital energy requires. It makes you a better person you can feel the change in your personality as well as consciousness. It makes your mind balanced cam and your thinking unprejudiced and patient that leads to better understanding of your relations and personal growth. This will lead to a balance physical as well as mental wellbeing.

These are the basic yet essential points to keep in mind. This will set out your lifestyle giving you a new way to live and help you in growing. It can be difficult for you during start but slowly it will be a cakewalk. Once your routine is set, you will feel how life changing it really can get giving you a new perspective on life.